dope a$$ blog for you bitches..
Monday, September 28, 2009
Yung Berg Punched by a Man with No Shoes!

Ain't this somthing? Miss Info airs "Youngin" out with footage of Berg and his entourage getting into a altercation in front of the Union streetwear store in LA, which lead to the "Shoeless Assulting" fire-in off berg in the back of the head. OUCH! Doe's anybody know anything about this?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Damn that white boy socked yung berg... Prey for him...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
yung cheese burger hoe ass getting beat up by white boyz!!!!!!!fag body ass nigga!!!!!!you gay!!!!!!!and i said it!!!!!!!!!!!!you bitch pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Then yo gay ass try to justify that shit, you cant explain being a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!And we got yo chain!!!!!!!!!!!!!maino said what up